高中的最後一天上課日~ (2012. QACI)
....一所當地很有名的私立學校,學生在那天指揮附近的交通,把車子引入學校,讓無辜的駕駛們莫名其妙的在校區中繞來繞去.....(不趕時間也罷,但是若是有什麼急事的就真是太...... 不過估計那天被引入的幾乎都是接送孩子的家長們..)
.... 一所當地很有名的公立學校,學生牽了一隻牛到學校屋頂上招搖散步,結果準備帶牛下樓時,牛卻站在原地不動,猜牛可能有懼高症吧,怎麼拉推催哄都沒用 (可憐的牛牛..後來動物保護協會來了)
..... 一所校風嚴謹的公立高中,幾個學生用除草劑在校園的美麗草地上噴上誇張令人搖頭的圖案 (許多同校的同學們看了都覺得好羞恥.....)
(黑輪居趴替 . 學校生活)
在每一個電梯裡堆了滿滿的氣球..... (好歡樂呀)
廁所外貼了一個告示: 為了確保大家共同保持廁所環境,我們已在廁所內裝了監視器......(當然是假的啦...)
把老師們的桌子全混在一起放在不同的教室,所以老師要走來走去到不同教室拿他們的東西.. (老師們的耐心超強的....)
但是,也是有脫序的: 兩個女生在校區裡裸奔..... (結果這兩個同學在這學校上課的最後一天被勒令停學了!!!!! 好"嚴重"哇~)
女生看了,說: 好可愛喔。
男生伸手開門時,說: 好溫暖喔。
(聽到這裡,我以為校長要說,"你們就不要去吵他們,讓他們好好讀書.......沒想到校長是這樣說: 所以你們就.....)
(以誠聽了,手摸著胸口,嘆: 喔~ 好溫暖)
可愛的小M與以誠,不知道那個手勢代表著什麼? (F for Film, 以誠解釋)
"最後一天的上課日"還有一個例行活動: 每個12年級生有一個紙袋子,大家可以把心裡想對他說的話,寫在紙條上並放到對方的袋子。
Hey dude, I have so much respect for you musically, your compositions are all so good, If you ever need to record some trombone, just ask:) Dom (以誠的畢業作品是首管弦樂曲,就是請Dom來吹低音號的部分)
Ernest! You're such a great composer, and super awesome! So if you don't get into the con, you have to come teach here please help me with music in the future MUAHAHAHA......(小貓圖) (同學說,如果以誠沒有進心目中理想的科系的話,就回學校來教他們好了,哈哈)
Ernest, you have the mind of a musical genius. I'm jealous. You're so polite and such a cool guy! Good luck in your future endeavours, you will go far most definitely. Bec
Ernest, you're such a talented musician! Love your compositions man! Emily :)
Ernest, you are the best director ever. You are so talented and I'm so glad I got the chance to work with you because I got to experience your excellence. x Beck
Ernest, You are so talented and intelligent. I love your film work and I really hope that you keep making films. Maybe we'll work together one day.
(同學們都知道"電影"已不在以誠的大學選單裡,但仍有同學鼓勵著他繼續拍片...... 看在以誠的眼裡,也算是一種肯定...)
Hi!!! ^_^ Congrats on all your awards! Your films and music are so amazing and you're really talented. Stay in touch and all the best for the future! Yas^_^ (最近以誠在學校的Award Night 拿了許多獎,有空也要來記錄一下...)
Ernest, you are so talented, like some kind of musical/cinematic prodigy! You're going to be so successful. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Ernest! You are an amazing film maker composer and person! Wish you the best of luck at the Con. Better come to our film nights.
Ernest, you're such a cool, awesomely incredible guy! I had so much fun working with you and I always find it so interesting listening to all your creative ideas. You're an awesome musician and I really admire how you did people's film music for them while still presenting a flawless film yourself! Keep up your awesome work buddy and I really hope we get to work together again the future.
Ernest, (LOVE YOU, LOTS YOU CRAZY KID!)I love all your passion and love for music and film. You have been such a awesome friend caring supportive and kind. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and reach for the stars (LOL I SOUND LIKE A MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE). ARIELLA (為什麼不同顏色? 丹尼蘇問。 因為艾兒就是用不同顏色的筆寫嘛~)
Dear Ernest, Man - you're pretty talented. Let's not forget to mention that. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if I saw your name attached to big commercial films, whether it be as composer of filmmaker. I'm glad we have 1 semi-strange friendship where we have had long rambling conversations on skype until 5 am or something. Stay cool. From: your bendy friend. (嗯嗯,聊天聊到清晨五點,我知道了現在..)
Ernest you are a nice guy and I love the passion you have for your arts. Briana.
Ernest, you are truly honest to God, one of the loveliest and most talented people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Thank you for your entire existence, your kind words, your talent, your everything.
Ernest, you're a genius man. You're the nicest, most humble guy I know. I love you, man. Gonz (這位同學電吉他彈得超級一級棒,以誠常常稱讚許多同學,說他們多讚又多讚,今天他被稱讚"謙虛",我真的一點也不意外。)
Ernest, you are the most talented, dedicated, humble, lovely person! you are amazing! ("謙虛"的字眼又出現了,嗯,我喜歡)
Was always lovely to see you and your positivity in a hard day! Thanks! Daisy ("正面態度"也是很難得的~)
You are beautiful and incredible. I am honoured to know you Ernie!
You’re such a genuine dude. So full of life, so very kind and very talented -- I know you'll go far :) ("kind", 讚)
You magnificent man. I love you!
Your talent continues to blow me away, even now! Good luck in your exams!!!
Ernest, you are always so friendly and helpful and always willing to lend a hand. You are incredibly talented and my mum said that boy's going to be famous one day' after film night. (我喜歡這位同學的媽媽,下次一定要找她拍照。^^)
I can't explain how amazing you are! I'm going to miss you so much!!!!!
Ernest, Mate, you are so hilarious and kind, and just such a genuine person. Everything about you makes me laugh in the best way. Stay classy! xx
Dear Ernest, It has been quite a while since I first met you and I'm glad to see our creative talents develop throughout the years! All the best!!! Pikkwan
Ernest! You're such a funny kid, such fun in vox+ VC. we have, going to be so different without you guys. Will miss you, have fun being great + good luck in your exams! xx meg (這位是11年級彈低音Bass的學妹)
Ernest, working with you on Magnum Opus this year was fantastic, I admire your geniuses and upbeat personality. All the best for 2013 Haylee ("Magnum Opus"是Haylee的畢業作品,以誠負責這齣戲的即興配樂,效果好極了。記得當時謝幕後,看到她從後台跑出來哭著對以誠說:太美了,以誠。)
Yo Ernest! It was great to meet you at QACI! but you're leaving....D= Wish you all the best in your ib exams and getting all those 7s aye? :D Graduation is not an end, it's a start. But, in order to be successful in your next journey, you will have to sleep more first! (說得好,以誠要聽學弟的話,多睡覺ㄟ~)
Dear Ernest! I don't think you realise how much I will miss you next year! Seeing you progressively throughout the year has always made me smile. you are fantastic to talk to, I love your compositions and I am just sooo glad to call you a friend! I hope I will see you again! you are so cute and terrific! ps. i saved you a cookie! (這位是10年級的學妹~)
Ernest, you are a lovely brilliant person. you have an amazing eye to detail, and it reflects in your work. (Which is amazing. ) Talking about literature was a really special experience keep on being just as fabulous as you are. (and try Jane Austin Persuasion - it’s really sweet). (原來以誠在學校也有可以談文學的好朋友,真好^^)
Dear Ernest, you are one of the best people i know. You are deep, funny, classy, intelligent, and an absolutely amazing artist. I am so glad to have become such close friends after our time at QACI, and can i say you have great taste in music! I am so excited for what the future holds, and I really value our friendship! I love how we can share our opinions freely and intellectually! Thank you for being wonderful! Monica! (真的是好朋友,寫了好多好多...但是丹尼蘇讀了卻在那邊"沉思",呵呵)
u r sxc
u r sxc
"所有資料要乖乖歸位,這樣讀書才會有效率。" 準備畢業大考的他這樣說。