

以誠的音樂作業簿-- Abstract Mode Soundtrack




不過這都是因為他願意把音樂影片放到YOUTUBE的關係,所以我可以順便放上來.. (謝謝以誠)

不過這也是因為他在紐西蘭的國中老師希望能看看以誠寫的曲子,所以把曲子放到youtube上最方便... (謝謝youtube)

不過這也是因為他寫了幾封信給以前的老師,好謝謝過去那些耐心引導他的老師們,所以老師才能回信繼續鼓勵以誠.... (謝謝老師)


不過這也是因為以誠他的媽媽就是愛麗蘇在下我,常常提醒他過去在紐西蘭遇到的那幾位伯樂老師,所以以誠才會動手發E-mail 跟老師說謝謝......

所以最要謝謝我啦 (不知道在得意些什麼)



My composition soundtrack to 'Abstract Mode' for the Year 10 IB music electronic composition task. We were given a video with no sound, and tasked with composing a piece of dance music to go along with the choreography. The song is split into four 'movements.'


The first movement (00:00 - 02:00) is in 7/8 time. This section of the piece is largely trance based, using synthesised instruments as well as audio effects such as automatic filters and treble reduction.


The second movement (02:00 - 02:41) is in 3/4 time. This section of the piece is based on waltz, using primarily percussion instruments as well as chamber instruments.


The third movement (02:41 - 03:19) has a more upbeat 3/4 time signature. This section of the piece links back to the first movement as it is also largely trance based while also featuring the medley from the second movement.


The fourth and final movement (03:19 - 03:56) continues ideas from the third movement, while slowly fading away with the use of automatic filters.


















批ㄟ司: 給愛麗蘇的二姊:



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